There are on site parking facilities for customers.
Parking charges are as follows:
less than 30 minutes - £2
30 mins - 1 hour - £3
1 hour to 3 hours - £5
3 hours to 5 hours - £10
5 hours + - £50
The access control is an automatic number plate recognition, ANPR, system. The entrance barrier will open once it has recognised your number plate. Before leaving the market pay at one of the pay stations located around the market. The exit barrier will open once it recognises that your number plate has paid. If you have not paid it will not open.
A Buyer's Annual Pass is £125
A Supplier's Annual Pass is £125
Both of these can be obtained from the Market Manager's Office (Office NCF 5).
Please contact telephone number - 020 8583 2160
Please note this is a high risk site and as such hi-viz jackets must be worn at all times. Before visiting ensure you read our health and safety advice.
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